Clinique de Toga

The Toga Clinic

Cancer-oriented follow-up and rehabilitation centre

Clinique de Toga Corse

The Clinique de Toga provides all the specific aspects of oncology treatment. The team strives to improve your quality of life by dealing with pain and uncomfortable symptoms, as well as providing relational and psychological support. Your family and friends can also benefit from a listening ear and support during and after your stay.

Depending on your wishes and your family's possibilities, we encourage you to return home, in liaison with the relevant networks and home care structures.

The clinic is organized into 2 separate departments:

  • An oncology-oriented follow-up care and rehabilitation department with 20 beds, located on the first floor.
  • A 12-bed medicine department on the second floor.

Your rehabilitation

It will be tailored to your state of health, the therapeutic plan drawn up on admission and your expectations. It combines care, physical re-education, therapeutic education and psychological support.

The aim is to help you regain confidence in your abilities, develop them and acquire behaviours that are beneficial to your health. It requires your active participation if you are to regain your independence.

This is why you will be asked to sign a charter of commitment when you enter the Continuing Care and Rehabilitation department.


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Clinique de Toga

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Clinique de Toga

Quartier Toga
20200 Ville di Pietrabugno

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.